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What is $SDROP?

For the blind, it is light. For the hungry, it is bread. For the sick, it is the cure. For thesad, it is joy. For the poor, it is the treasure; for the debtor, it is forgiveness.

How does Snowdrop operate?

Snowdrop is a Non-Decreasing Risk-Free Value Token (NDRFVT). Rolls off the tongue, doesn’t it?

What this means in practice is that it establishes a price floor for a token that can only go up or stay the same. The protocol always has enough reserves to buy all tokens in circulation at a fixed price.

When users buy Snowdrop tokens from the pool, the protocol rebalances - adjusts reserves to provide consistent backing, as well as liquidity for trading.

Why does it go up?

$SDROP knows what the supply is and ensures there is enough liquidity to buy all tokens at the RFV (risk-free value) price. The RFV can go up in two cases: $SDROP gets burned, reducing the supply and increasing the price per token. $SDROP is bought at a price above RFV.

$SDROP can’t drop below RFV, because that would mean all of the circulating supply already got sold into liquidity.

Got Taxes?

"In DeFI, nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes”. Snowdrop might defy death by going up in perpetuity, but even it can’t escape taxes. The protocol takes a 6.9% tax on each buy and sell transaction. 60% of the tax gets sent to Valhalla (burnt). 20% is sent to Mega Snowdrop ($MSDROP) staking. The remaining tokens are taken by a protocol as revenue. The transfer tax-and-burn ensures that even with constant reserves, backing per Snowdrop actually increases.

Is this Dark Magic?

No, this is all just FLOOR SDK developed by TraderJoe and some fairy dust.

What are tokenomics?

Tokenomics, also known as token economics, is an emerging field concerned with the economic properties of agent-driven systems that use cryptographic tokens that are typically created and managed on blockchain-based distributed ledgers.

What are the tokenomics of $SDROP?

Total supply is: ∞ Transfer tax: 6.9% That’s it. All the supply will go to liquidity, and no tokens will ever be minted (the team will lock the keys and throw them into the ocean). There will be no presale and no whitelist - the contract will be stealth launched on Avalanche mainnet between November 2022 and October 2027.

Got Roadmap?

Step 1: Set up Discord Step 2: Delete Discord Step 3: Listing on Tier 1 exchanges (LBank and Kucoin) Step 4: Send all the backing to ben.eth